Friday, January 18

I'm thinking it might be winter....

Originally uploaded by Jean 1
This photo was taken yesterday while I ran a few errands. I enjoyed the look of the snow flurries for two reasons...
1. It wasn't sticking
2. It wasn't too cold outside
Today we are back to chilly winds, but dry air.

On a different note, my weekend is shaping up to be a fun time. Jean 1, 2 &3 will be getting together (live and via phone) for our christmas gift exchange. Then there is another spa visit to Origins planned as well as the fact that there's no school on Monday for the kids (which means sleeping in and a visit to the $2.50 movie).

And Stacey....just a heads up, I am going to be needing to order a cake for Christi's 5th birthday. She wants horse/horses/ horse theme. Just thought you'd like a little planning time. Her birthday is in March and the plans have become a major topic of conversation for her. :)

2 Commenting on your genius-ness:

Jean 2 said...

I can't wait to open my goodies! And of course hear Jean 3 get giddy over her gifts!
Luv ya both! ;)

kizzy72 said...

Thank you both for my box full of LOVE!!! You two are so sweet to me. :-)