Sunday, December 2

Operation Spending Money Mode-still going for me!

Shopping is such a wonderful joy for me and I have had plenty of chances to have that joy lately regardless of my hectic schedule. I spend at least one day every weekend at the mall and one would assume that I was constantly spending money-and at times I do-but not always. I just enjoy walking around, looking at new things, and getting some good ideas. If something shouts out at me and I want it-I can get it. And that brings me to my Jean1 and I were getting our free makeovers today at Origins ( a natural and fabulous skin care/make- up line that I have made my own) we discussed how nice it is to be in the place we are in our lives. We are content and secure. And that is a good place to be. We need nothing, have some extra money if we do, and feel at peace with buying something if we need it. We are reasonable with our money regardless of our circumstances and handle it wisely. I am even on the frugal side some would husband lovingly refers to me as tight a**! lol But deep down, I know he is glad!
I am loving this holiday season. I love the cooler weather (not freezing), Christmas music, the leaves literally blowing away. I love how my hubby and I have such a good time shopping for our loved ones together. He is my shopping buddy. Of course I love to shop with my friends, but for some reason, they don't carry my bags for me! lol Hubby does. He makes trips to the car if necessary-especially this time of year-to unload bags. And I can tell it isn't just to be nice to me...he enjoys this time with me as well. Once we get to the mall, I am usually the one that declares when we are done and he is a disappointed little boy.
I also had the joy of spending an all day eating/shopping day with my mother last weekend-a spoil ME day. She took me to lunch at the place of my choice, shopping to pick up gifts for the girls from her, and wouldn't allow me to pay for anything. My mom loves to spoil me when she gets the chance and due to a fixed income at her age-it isn't as often as it used to be but I know it means a lot to her when she gets to do it! We had such a great day together! And while she was spoiling me, hubby had the girls out shopping for me. Do I feel blessed? You bet! Not because of these material things, simply because my mom and hubby are always thinking of me-and that means something. I came home today after my makeover to a beautiful poinsetta on my table. Just another example of his thoughtfulness. He is working our sunroom, has to go to Lowes-and thinks of me! ;) I am not trying to brag-as I detest bragging-and goodness knows my life is not perfect-but I am trying to be more grateful for all the *little* things that I take for granted and be more appreciative-he certainly deserves it! ;)
I am almost done with my shopping and extremely pleased with my purchases this year and the deals I found. I anticipate a wonderful, blessed Christmas here for MANY reasons! Happy Holiday Season everyone!! Stay tuned for "Operation Spending Money Mode-DONE! " ;)

2 Commenting on your genius-ness:

Erica said...

I didn't think you were bragging. It sounds like you are in a very good place in life. It is a peaceful feeling....

Donna B. said...

it is nice to just know that the gifts we get to give are merely because we want to give love. I loveto shop also and even love going to the mall. My question...after Christmas shopping? What does that count as? ;)