Monday, December 3

Origins Discovered

Origins Discovered
Originally uploaded by Jean 1
Jean 2 and I enjoyed a wonderful couple of hours getting a facial, makeover and mini-massage from our two newest friends *Tina and Luanne*. Luanne was Jean 2's makeup person, Tina was mine. We were well matched. Jean 2 was sassy, so was Luanne. Tina was sweet and, know. :)
We left with wonderfully soft and supple skin and looking very polished. The husband's thought we looked quite beautiful and I agree.

*Names were changed since we did not obtain permission from them to give their names. If we ever are granted permission I will change this to reflect the correct names. :)

1 Commenting on your genius-ness:

Jean 2 said...

What a fun time. And me sassy?? I beg to differ. I was just um....defending myself and demanding my rightful attention. hee hee