Friday, November 3


This has been a rather long week. I know, that sounds trite, but it has at least felt like it actually somehow managed to span two weeks worth of time in the seven days. Not that it has been a bad week. Just really tiring and draining. I'm not real clear even on why I am so drained. Maybe it's hormones, maybe it's finding out that your almost 12 year old has been diagnosed with Whooping Cough, requiring everyone in the household to be put on antibiotics. Maybe it's just the one day I subbed 5th heels! I don't know, but I do know that I am so looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow!
Today I accompanied my son's 1st grade class on a trip to the homestead of Almanzo and Laura Ingalls Wilder. It was a good field trip, one that the kids will remember. They were all so excited to see Pa's fiddle. It is pretty neat to see some of the things that were in the books I read growing up, not to mention all the TV shows that showed good ole Charles Ingalls built and used.
Have a great weekend!

2 Commenting on your genius-ness:

Donna B. said...

Well, we are all feeling better...I wore high heels because the jeans i wore are too long (normal length) which requires heels for them to not drag the ground.

Stacey said...

Heels....EEEEE! Ouch!

Whooping cough? OMG! Hope all is well.

Donna - I did rent the break up. I liked it, and I'm in love with Vince Vaughn, but it did NOT end the way I hoped it would.

And the console is history? I think I may weep a little. I didn't even get to say goodbye. What the heck did you DO with it? And also? Bwa-ha-ha-hahahaha!