Saturday, October 28


Jean2 here. This is how I feel. Too many *irons in the fire*-I have heard that phrase my entire life and it never made sense to me. It still doesn't. But it seems to mean to most people that just there is too much going on in their lives. Too many thoughts. Too many ideas. Too many projects. Too much stress. Very little time. More than they or me in this case can handle. I do this to myself. I live on adrenaline and just how much I can accomplish. I love the feeling when I am done with a project, assignment, lesson plans, laundry, housecleaning, grocery shopping, and all the other things we as women ACCOMPLISH. Only to quickly remind myself this is only done for so long. Next week it is the SAME thing. Over and over again. I am NEVER done. And I must love it. Because right now everything is done that NEEDS to be done in my life and I am feeling a little well...bored. Sure I can read a book, clean something, play around on my computer until I actually learn something, call a friend, spend some quality time with my family..... all the things that I get frustrated that I can't do when I am in the throws of fire and adrenaline. And when I get the chance...what do I do? Sit around and mope because I need to feel some pressure! I need someone MAKING me do something! What is wrong with me? I don't like stress. I definitley don't need it. I long for a day at home where I can relax yet I never do. If I do-I think of all the things I should be doing to make my life easier the next day. PEACE! I think that is what it is all about. Finding the peace! HELP! Contentment! I see so many people relaxing and enjoying their life. And don't get me wrong. There are days I do-but most days-well-I just try to accomplish something! I am married to a man just like me. He is always accomplishing something and I love that. It is what attracts me most to him. He works physically harder than I do. He accomplishes the things that I would pay someone to do if I was not married to him. So I have my limits on what I will do to accomplish something. Anyway....I should have named this blog ACCOMPLISHING! But the reality of it all is -in today's world-we all have too many *irons in the fire.*

2 Commenting on your genius-ness:

Stacey said...

I always feel the same way. I get such satisfaction from cleaning up the kitchen, grocery shopping, etc., but then I get irritated immediately knowing it's all just going to have to be done again. What have I REALLY accomplished?

I thought quitting my job would make for less 'irons in the fire', but I've just found other things to keep me constantly busy and stimulated...go, go, GO, all the time.

Why CAN'T we just be content and satisfied with things the way they are? We must just be weird, Jean 2.

Donna B. said...

One reference says it has to do with the blacksmith trade. A skilled blacksmith has "a well-trained apprentice who maintains such control of the bellows and the placement of the irons that each is ready in turn at the anvil and hammer...'Too many irons in the fire' would mark an inefficient smith or one with an unskilled apprentice. Figurative use of either saying takes us back only to the middle of the sixteenth century." From "2107 Curious Word Origins, Sayings & Expressions from White Elephants to a Song and Dance" by Charles Earle Funk (Galahad Book, New York, 1993).

Anyway, we all, we are parents and wives tend to keep quite a few "irons in the fire" it's just important to make sure that we remember to keep them moving so that we don't have a meltdown. :)
jean 1