Wednesday, March 12

Last Snow of the Season?

Last Snow of the Season?
Originally uploaded by Jean 1
Today we finally lost the last of our snow (as evidenced in the photo). The temp actually reached 75 degrees, leaving with a sense of excitment and anticipation. Why? Well, I love love LOVE when spring rolls into town. I'm not a seasonal allergy person so there's no fear or worry about that, the flowers show up (tulips, roses, daisy) and the house feels lighter and brighter! It also means that we are close to summer break, opening up weekdays for friend time with certain school employees that have obligations to their students.
So bring on spring, baby....I'm so ready.

1 Commenting on your genius-ness:

Jean 2 said...

Bring it on is right. I just might be the person with those certain obligations! ;) We will have some time next week! FINALLY! And I promise not to be tired or grumpy. Make your infamous latte and life and all will be well in the *jeans* world. ;)