Thursday, January 3

The New Year!

WOW! My year is off to the most fabulous start. And I was a little concerned because of how 2007 ended. Just a little trouble on the homefront but all is well here now in our house-beyond well at this moment. My hubby has been off for two weeks. Some of you might be thinking right now *that the lazy bum needs to get back to work*-but he is not like that at all. He is the most productive and efficient human being I have ever met. I chose wisely. He has completely finished my sunroom and it looks amazing. I will put a pic on here when it is furnished. I would also like to add that while he was laying tile and grouting our floor-I was shopping, seeing movies, and having lunch with friends over the break. And when I got home, he cleaned up and took me out to Olive Garden and a bookstore (the perfect date for me)! And he loved it too.
Today I went back to work. He did not. He got up and fixed breakfast, made the bed, did the laundry. When I came home he had washed all the baseboards in our house with a toothbrush and bleach (I am a clean freak and like things clean but he is worse-yes Jean1 and Jean3-he really is worse), he reorganized some things so when I walked into the house it was SO awesome looking. I was thrilled. There is NOTHING and I mean NOTHING I like better than MY house to be clean. I repeat NOTHING! But there are times I can be a half asser because I am simply exhausted but I still want things at least presentable. He doesn't half ass anything-it is PERFECT when he does it. I will swallow my pride and admit he would make a better housewife than I would. ;)
It didn't stop there...he had went shopping and bought and had going on the stove...porkchops, corn, mashed potatoes and salad. We joked that he was the *bitch of the house* and how I needed to become a principal so he could stay home...and you know what-I am old fashioned at times but if he continues this....I am off to get my Masters in Administration NOW! It is only 5:30 and everything is done in this house. I have the rest of the night ahead to relax with him and literally be in love. Our girls are all at a ballgame! Every once in a while you fall in love again-not that you ever fell out-but you forget the little tingle you get. The tingle revisited me tonight. And yes-the clean house was a part of that-but it was more his act of love and service and his willingness to prove to me how much he wants this marriage to work! And I am working on doing more of that for him.
UNconditional love!! ;) More on that later!

2 Commenting on your genius-ness:

kizzy72 said...

HaPpY NeW YeAr to my favorite pair of Jeans!!! I'm tickled that you and your hubby are enjoying each other and you sound so happy. A great sign for the year to come!

Erica said...

Awesome! Aaron is the same way. He can clean like you wouldn't believe. You would make a great principal. Go for it.