Saturday, September 8


My life is no longer just busy because of raising a family and teaching. I am now in the typical fall *swing of things* which keeps my adrenaline pumped and my multi-tasking abilities in check. My oldest daughter is now playing vball 3 nights a week, middle daughter is doing cheerleading and cross country and youngest daugther is just going with the flow of things and enjoying these activities. My husband and I, like last year, are on the parent commitee for the 8th grade recognition night. What that means to us is we are now at EVERY home ballgame whether our daughters play or not...handling our fundraisers and selling a popular local rest. tea. That leaves very little time at home. Our daughters are all like me and like to stay busy. Especially my youngest little sidekick. ;) But since they enjoy these activities and don't want to lose them....they must help out at home as members of the family.
Here is a typical day...
1. Wake up to a 4:30 a.m. phone call from hubby's work saying they need him to come in. Fine.
2. I get up and shower so I can take oldest daughter to vball practice at 6:00 in boxers and t-shirt . Usually hubby can help out.
3. Come back home and roll down car windows to air car out.
4.Throw a load of laundry in wash. Why not?
5.. Dry hair. Starts pouring down rain...go out to roll car windows up-hair gets wet.
6.. Take middle daughter to cross country practice at 6:30-still in boxer shorts and t-shirt! (we live 5 minutes from school-thank goodness-but still in country-weird-huh?
7. Come home. Dry hair AGAIN.
8. Check on laundry. Not done.
9. Make bed. (Because I have a disease and this ALWAYS gets done or I will break out into hives).
10. Get dressed-finally.
11. Put clothes in dryer. Contemplate starting another load-but realize there just isn't time. When is there? I hate laundry pile up. Stress!
12. Do make up and hair. Finally.
13. Me and youngest go to school to BEGIN the day. HA!
14. I do my Friday bus duty.
15. Teach all day. Much drama. Too many steps in the process. Another blog.
16. Do bus duty after school.
17. Come home and change clothes to meet friend for dinner and meet H & B's mom (her weekend).
18. Fold laundry-contemplate starting another load. No time.
19. Leave and have long, relaxing dinner. No drinks-I am driving.
20. Go to Walmart-get groceries.
21. H's mom drops her off because she needs to stay with us due to vball tournament.
22. Come home.
23. Hubby unloads groceries -I put them away.
24. I get a BURST OF ENERGY! WHY? I have no idea.
25. Clean bathrooms.
26. Dust house and vacuum rugs.
27. Take MUCH NEEDED shower.
28. Put clean sheets on bed.
29. Get in bed with good book!!

Now-I realize that probably bored you into oblivion-but there it is. A typical day in my life. You may have noticed there was no cooking involved...believe it or not...there usually is on a WEEK night if someone doesn't have to be at a ballgame super early-then I am in delegating mode. This is my FRIDAY night. You may have also noticed there was not much husband/wife communication with the exception of a few phone calls on our cell phones (I didn't put in all the in between cell calls)-there usually isn't on a week night. Last night while I was enjoying my burst of energy-he was cleaning out my car and organizing the garage-and I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. I like things to BE DONE! I was in that mode and if he was in the house-he would have been in my way! We accept and appreciate this with each other. We are partners. And we are doing these things so we can enjoy each other later.
Today-I will fall in love with him again. Not that I am not in love-but we have learned not to be clingy with each other and give that space. That is just how it is. We focus all week on what MUST be done. And we talk when we can. Tonight is OUR night. We will cherish each other and catch up. We will go to the neighbors for wine and cheese. I am not a drinker by any means...but a nice glass of wine or a fruity tutti drink every once in a while is nice. And a happy marriage that gives me something to look forward to. As I sit here blogging, he is cleaning out his truck. He comes in and kisses me every so often to let me know he does miss me and....tonight will be special. ;)

6 Commenting on your genius-ness:

Donna B. said...

I just have one question....what is #30 all about????? Hope you got some good relaxing in and had a good time with neighbors. And now you can honestly say "Yes, I would like some cheese with that wine!" :)

Jean 2 said...

What do you mean what was #30 all about? I was wore out!! I feel ASLEEP! I promise that was ALL there was to THAT! ;) I thought that was a perfect ending to my 29 step process. I was TIRED! Just got back from the neighbors-they love me and gave me cheese with my wine and OPINIONS! lol

Erica said...

Are you sure that was all # 30 eas about? You led into that one! My life is getting crazy too and the oldest in only in 3rd grade. I don't even want to think about what it will be like when Ben starts to get involved in things. Next week I start my new job, so things are about to get even crazier. I hate laundry pile up too! Do you have any secrets? We live out of laundry baskets. Always clean, never put away it seems.

Erica said...

was about, I think I can spell

kizzy72 said...

YOU WEAR ME OUT!!! I'm tired just reading all that. LOL - But not bored! I'm much too nosy to ever be bored reading about other's lives.:-)

Anonymous said...

People should read this.