Monday, July 17

GUILT-the wasted emotion

Jean2 here again discussing another issue I have in life. Everyone should blog-this is healthy. It beats paying to lay on a couch and telling some stranger how your parents messed you up for life. Although I always wanted to be psychologist. I love to hear other people's views on life and what makes them think the way they do or rather what circumstances brought them to the point they are now at in their life! Truly fascinates me! Now on to the next issue-GUILT! We all feel it at times-especially if you are a parent. I for one suffer from a chronic case of it at times. I have this picture of what a good wife and mother should be like and I have never lived up to it what I thought that picture was-REALITY takes over. I have tried at different times in my life and it just wasn't me. I WANT to get up and cook breakfast for my DH before he goes to work and visit with him over a cup of coffee before he leaves with a kiss and a lunch I packed. I WANT to have my children wake up to breakfast on the table with a glass of orange juice and milk beside their plate. I WANT fresh flowers in my house every day on my varnished table. And I WANT to have cookies or muffins waiting for my darling children when they come home from school however I am with them when they come home from schoool. I WANT to have dinner on the table every night at 6:00 in actual serving dishes where my family doesn't have to scoop their meal out of a pan or box. These are things I wanted as a child and had SOME of it. I have learned to let these things go. I do the best I can with what I have. Since I do suffer from OCD to a certain extent-the house is clean and things are put away. I always go to bed at night feeling somewhat guilty about something. As women, we all want to be good wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, teachers and friends. My DH is great about not EXPECTING anything from me-which in turn often makes me feel more guilty. I do expect things from him and he fulfills most of those-bless his heart. Double standards and expectations-I will have to discuss those issues in my next blog. Jean1 could go on and on about that....hehe So-what is guilt? Jean1 has told me it is a wasted emotion and I could not agree more. What good does it do us? BE DONE WITH GUILT and go to bed knowing you did the best you could-and if you didn't-do the best you can the next day. Like right now-I should be preparing a nice lunch for my children instead of blogging. But-then I think-what about me?? Vicious cycle I let myself live!!

7 Commenting on your genius-ness:

Anonymous said...

Coming from Queen of're normal! I always wanted those lovely things, too, but learning slowly to accept that I am a poptarts for breakfast-fake flowers-fix your own dinner kind of mom. And that's ok. I'm good enough, smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like me. And you too!

Anonymous said...

I could not agree more-cheer to being guilt free!:)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Guilt is indeed wasted. But we're so GOOD at it, especially as moms! I was describing your exact point to my counselor last week - I see the pile of socks on DH's side of the bed and get mad. Then I say, "I'm the SAHM and the house is my duty - I should pick up the socks". But then I find myself wondering what about me? It really is a conundrum.

You're a hero in my eyes just by having a clutter-free house and having it picked up every night! I can't ever catch up with my house. OK, so blog about that - how do you do it? Any tips? I learned a while back from Jean1 to color coordinate the hangers in the laundry room by family member and it's easier to distribute all of it.

Anonymous said...

I LOOOOOVVVVVEEEE your new layout.

I think my eyes are slowly beginning to recover.

Anonymous said...

Malapert-I am not going to give you any tips on keeping your house picked up. Remember-I have a serious illness that only my true friends will tolerate. I am not normal and need a few tips myself.hehe And I know what you mean-Jean1 has organized my closet and I have the whole "color" thing going on.

Donna B. said...

Thanks! Thought we needed a change of pace, looks wise. And as Jean 2 can attest to, I take lots of trips, but a guilt trip is one I refuse to accompany anyone on. :)