Saturday, September 13

Previews and Popcorn!

After a LONG week of teaching, going to practices, and volleyball games...I managed to steal a rare moment with one of my best friends since HS. The evening began with me telling H and J that if they straightened and dusted their rooms then I would take them out to dinner. (yes-I am steal a clean freak) After all, it is a Friday night. H gets a call and an invite to her friends house-absolutely-go...have fun. J gets an invite to a baseball game in another town with one of her friends and her mom. Okay-no biggie. I am my best company. Hubby works late on Fridays. House is clean. Why not just read a book? I call my friend who is rarely free and WA-LA-we plan to meet for dinner. We meet at a local restauraunt-it is packed. I detest waiting in line to eat. She then informs me she is not that hungry. I am starving. We decide to see a movie. I get fast food to go with popcorn on my mind for dessert. Oh-the healthy eating I do!! We rush up to the theater and just see what is playing-we randomly decide on a movie we have never seen because it fits the time slot we need. We saw, "The Women"-a great chick flick about love, marriage and friendships. It was a great moment. We laughed, sighed in understanding, and just appreciated the fact we managed to get some time together without our kids!
I am a preview nut. Jean1 can attest to this. I like to get to the theater, popcorn and drink in hand, AT LEAST 5 minutes before the movie begins. I am not a late person. ;)
This friend and I ate our popcorn, junior mints, and relished in the previews of some great new movies coming out...
Four Christmases (Vince Vaughn (LOVE HIM) and Reese Witherspoon)
Nights in Rodanthe (read the book)
Secret Life of Bees (plan on reading the book)
I hope I get another chance to catch one of these movies with one of my preview and popcorn pals! And Jean1 can show up when the movie starts if would like! ;)

1 Commenting on your genius-ness:

Erica said...

Sounds like a great time! That is the one thing that has sucked about our move. My lack of friends;0) I really want to see that movie. The Secret Life of Bees is a great book. So is the Mermaid Chair by the same author. Happy reading!