Monday, March 31

Sweet Fellowship

Sweet Fellowship
Originally uploaded by Jean 1
While visiting my second home, some of you might know it as Walmart, I found a calendar that I almost bought. Why? I do not need a calendar...I have many of them; the calendar was about friendship. The one pictured above has a scripture quoted "We had sweet fellowship together..." Ps. 55:14. I laughed, thought it was cute and then walked on. Later I circled back and read it again. I picked up the calendar, put it in my cart and walked on. Then I went back and returned it to the shelf..."I do not need this!" I told myself.
Standing there a few minutes while my internal dialogue argued with my reasoning brain I decided two things. One, I'm really weird. Two, I liked this calendar because this page depicts what I enjoy about my friends. We DO have sweet fellowship...not always "sweet" in words or deed (for we are a sarcastic bunch usually) but our spirits find communion and joy in being together.
(And sharing a good dessert from time to time doesn't hurt either.)

3 Commenting on your genius-ness:

Jean 2 said...

Did you buy the calendar?? ;) Looking forward to *fellowshipping* tomorrow night with you. Long overdue.
Love our new layout!! ;)

kizzy72 said...

That's us! LOL--okay...I'm going. I just watched that video you sent me and I'm still smiling thinking of the great time we had. I'm gonna try my darndest to go with you two! (major praying and finger crossing will be going on;-))

Jean 2 said...

Kizzy72-how can we possibly be complete without you? We will do our best to enjoy Cape Cod, Nantuckett and Martha's Vineyard but it wouldn't be the same!