Sunday, March 2

DAUGHTER BUSYNESS? Is it my business?

Just as February came to a close and I breathed a huge sigh of relief that I managed to survive, March comes in like a lamb. The lamb of course pertaining to the weather-not my life. For some reason I thought I wouldn't be QUITE as busy. Not so. My daughter J has decided to play vball and run track. She has always managed to stay active but usually the sports do not coincide with each other. This week she will have vball practice at 6:00 a.m. and track practice after school until 4:30 AND two away volleyball games. She is a task manager and she comes by it honestly. She has grown up with hectic schedules. ;) This is why I know she will perservere. My job as her mom will be to make sure she gets enough rest and eats properly. However, I am also leery of babying her because um....she is basically getting sick of me to put in mildly. ;)
This is her life and why I can see her perspective:
1.Her mom teaches at her school basically her whole life.
2. Her mom has been her softball coach for several years.
3.Her mom becomes the cheerleading sponsor after J becomes a cheerleader to be more involved with J.
4.Her mom is now keeping the books for the MS vball team and gets to ride on the bus along with free admission. A perk.
5.Her mom adores her and when she does do something FUN with her friends....I um....have some OLDER BROTHER figures looking out for her. Hey-she is only 14!
I think it is important that you see her perspective but here is mine...
1. I grew up with a mom that didn't live with me (but loved me much), and due to work and obligations, and the fact she did live 30 minutes away she was not able to watch my sports. I would see all the other moms there and I knew my mom loved me but I vowed when I had children....I would be there.
2. The reason I desired to teach AT HER SCHOOL was to be involved in her life. She used to like it. lol
3. Since teaching is my career...I am not rich.;) I see getting to ride the bus to the games as saving money on gas, admission, and being involved. I call those perks! And in a "round about way"money in her pocket.
4. I just simply desire to be a part of her life and be there for her at all times, yet realizing she is growing up and needing space. She starts HS next year and that is not the time to let go.
5. Her dad and I have joint custody and she is not always here.

I am proud of J. She has straight A's. She puts more pressure on herself than I do. She has intrinsic motivation and when she needs a pep talk, I am there. I want her to have so many experiences and truly live life. We all want better for our children than we had for ourselves. I love my life and I am happy but if I can help her avoid some tough roads that I took-then that is what I will do and I will be there when she falls. ;) But, I don't want her to push her away and need to find that happy medium.
J has hurt my feelings some this past week and we have discussed it, she thinks I am too involved...and as the reader, you are probably thinking the same thing...that is why I shared with you HER perspective. It is important and I do see it. I am always good at seeing the other side-probably to a fault. I am an eternal defender of the underdog (not that I think she is the underdog). Anyway, she WANTS me at everything but she does NOT want me on every bus ride. Although I usually don't talk to her or even look at her (I don't require her to sit with me-lol). I have discussed this situation with my dearest friends and it is amazing the perspectives I get. We are all so different. lol I love the openness and honesty I have with them. Many of my friends are teachers and their children grew up the same way. Some of my friends don't have children at all. My husband thinks I shoud cut the cord. His joke for everything. I will say when it comes to track, I will only go to the HOME meets. I do not enjoy those. Six hours to watch her do 2-3 events. No thanks. See-I can let go some!
What do you think?
What happened to that little girl that ALWAYS wanted her mommy and cried if she didn't have her? ;) She grew up. And it is hard!

3 Commenting on your genius-ness:

Erica said...

You're such a good momma. I'm sure there is a happy balance there somewhere. It sounds like you are very good at communicating with each other. That is so important. You will find the balance. Just keep talking to her and listening to what she wants, and follow your heart as well. I will be calling you in a couple of years with the same types of situations;0)

kizzy72 said...

This is a good example of why motherhood is the hardest profession a woman will have. :-) Heart-wrenching stuff. I love you and wish you the best...I'm with Erica...I have all this to look forward to.

Anonymous said...

What can I say Donna, I too am living your nightmare!

M is ready to go to middle school and "cut the cord" but I am still not ready to let her go. At least you have a hubby to be the voice of reason. It is much harder (believe it or not )when you are all that each other have.

You are a fabulous mom and I just stare in wonder at the beautiful girl you are raising. She is a real looker who has her head on straight to boot!

As for the volley ball entry. !@#$%^^! Now you know how strongly I feel about that issue. This person must be very lonely in order to have so much time to think about this issue. You are doing a service for the school and that is the end of it.
