Saturday, February 16

My baby is back....

That baby being my CAR! YES! Finally-a month and $500 later-it now is home where it belongs. I was mostly delighted with the fact they cleaned it too. I love a clean car. It seems so weird to be driving it again after driving a huge truck. And it was also hard to drive down the dreaded hill to our house-the last time I drove my car.
Hubby is getting ready to take me to Macaroni Grill. I will finally get that Valentine dinner. Although, it is nasty out today and I am exhausted, the hunger kicks in and I guess I can drag myself through dinner. :)
The least I can do is go wash my hair for our dinner. Or perhaps a ponytail. I am SOOOOOOOOOOO lazy sometimes!

2 Commenting on your genius-ness:

Erica said...

When did you get a macaroni grill? I am missing out on all the good stuff. I am glad your car is back, and it was only $500 out of your pocket and nothing else. Have fun on your dinner date.

Erica said...

Just want to say I found the coffee creamer and it is so gooooood!