Friday, January 11

THE QUEEN...that's right...that's me! ;)

Tonight was homecoming 2008 at my old High School and currently where I teach! What a great night it was. I got to live a dying dream at my old stomping grounds. For Christmas, my coworker who knows me well bought me a crown as sort of a inside joke. She knows me well. I wore that crown all day today declaring to my students that I was THE QUEEN. After all, what should be.....well....should be. ;)
Tonight is always a bittersweet night watching all the homecoming festivities. Brings back memories of 1990 when I should have been queen. Bitter? YES! I still just don't understand. hee hee
I do help sponsor the cheerleaders and had a role in tonight-I mean-hey -my name was in the program-but I packed my crown JUST IN CASE. ;) After the homecoming queen was crowned, I smiled graciously at the well deserved queen. She is a fantastic girl with a bright future and one of the cheerleaders but I felt like her time on the throne was long enough-I mean come many pictures do you really need? Sigh! So-I made my way up there. My hubby bestowed me with roses and sit beside me as people gathered around us taking our pictures. Hubby also tied a bouquet of balloons around my wrist. You may think I am kidding-oh-Jean1 and daughter J just wish it was a joke. ;) I proclaimed, "gather around my loyal servants, gather around"-jokes were made and a good time was had. J was a little embarrassed as I screamed her name across the gym and begged her to sit beside her mother on the throne. She has no sense of humor. GEEZ! What is the big deal anyway? Stepdaughter B handled it well. I think she might even have taken a picture or two. ;) But hey-she is my stepdaughter and slightly not AS embarrassed. ;)
One of my old HS friends (who, by the way, is very jealous of me-;) mentioned psychological help from her therapist. I let her know she was not a good walking commercial for the doctor! ;) Good one!
Anyone else out there *bitter* about not being something they feel they deserved? Fess up. Come on. Get real. It is healthy. I am working through the bitterness. Joking is more fun than being a queen anyway-really. ;)
I am now almost complete. A few more dreams need to be fulfilled. When is prom again? I will let you know!! Watch out prom queen-here I come!

8 Commenting on your genius-ness:

Donna B. said...

ah, they say ignorance is bliss...

Glad you had fun...might as well have fun, you only get these chances once in awhile. :)

And I personally think we should all get to be queen sometime.

Jean 2 said...

Ignorance is bliss! Trust me. lol Reality is not always fun! But right now my reality is bliss! ;)

Erica said...

Gah, did you really do that? You are so brave/crazy, not really sure which, but either way I admire you!;) There is never a dull moment in your house is there?

Jean 2 said...

No Erica-trust me-there is NOT a dull moment in our house. If there is that just means it is the CALM BEFORE THE STORM! ;)

Anonymous said...

I can just see it now! How fun - I am glad you had a good time!


Anonymous said...

I can just see it now! How fun - I am glad you had a good time!


Shawna said...

You are toooooo cute. I can only imagine how this must have been for poor lil' J. But, I do have to say that the crown was "stolen" from me as well and I am a little bitter about it as well....LOL!

Anonymous said...

You mean it is not too late for me to play basketball (I was runner up but I did get to keep the books and ride the bus to the away games, lets face it thats all we wanted anyway) and at least be nominated for homecoming royalty? I am proud of you for taking the chance and living on the edge. I would never have had the guts to do that!
