Monday, November 12

Yankee Candles, Christmas towels and Sushi

enough said! :)

Thanks Jean 2 for a great day.

5 Commenting on your genius-ness:

kizzy72 said...

The makings of a great day! :-) Any coffee thrown in there???

Erica said...

Mmmmm sushi. Sounds like a wonderful day.

Jean 2 said...

Well-yes of course we had coffee. That was BEFORE all of the rest of the stuff. ;)
I had a great day too Jean1. Glorious! Nothing like getting the *girls squished* by a machine to start it off! Pray for my mammo!
Love you guys!!

Donna B. said...

Yes, coffee, chocolate truffles and Bath and Body were elements I left out to curb jealousy. :)

kizzy72 said...

You can't hold out on me like that! I'm trying to live vicariously through your outings until we are all together again and I can join in! Not so sure about the "girls" getting squished (lol)...but I am jealous of all the rest (in a good way!). Love ya both!