Wednesday, November 7

Time to breathe

I finished my first three day Grand Jury session today. I must admit that I did find it interesting and enlightening. I love to learn new things, and have always been intrigued by people around me. I am also, I must also admit, a bit naive about people and life when it comes to those who live dangerously and criminally. I found myself dropping my jaw from time to time as I would learn about a new case to be decided. (As I have sworn to uphold all areas of secrecy I will not divulge any information in part related to anything that I am given to consider.) I now look forward to our last soccer games for the fall season...and just in time (it was 23 degrees this morning). m it comes to

2 Commenting on your genius-ness:

kizzy72 said...

Congratulations! I'm glad you ended up enjoying the process. :-) And: Brrrr....put another log on the fire.

Jean 2 said...

I would LOVE that!! ;) I am almost jealous. The mood I have been in this week...those criminals wouldn't stand a chance. I need to go to LAW SCHOOL. That is what I want to be when I grow up! LOL