Saturday, April 28


I am from riding my banana seat bike all over my small town without a care in the world, so much that it required duct tape. I am from jump roping for hours on end. I am from listening to the Bay City Rollers album and moving the needle to the same song over and over….listening to George Jones, Merle Haggard, Conway and Loretta with my dad. I am from the same town my parents were raised, met, dated, and later married in. I am from a mom that spoiled me to the point no one could stand me. I am from watching The Incredible Hulk and Hee Haw while sitting right beside my dad in his chair. I am from a new three bedroom house in the perfect neighborhood with a typical family of four to a single dad raising his girls in a trailer park that I considered an adventure. I am from crying for my mom at night and wishing things were different.
I am from hiding in a tree as my step -mom called my name over and over as I pretended not to hear her. I am from Tuf -nut boy jeans that my dad bought me at the local Dry Goods store. I am from playing Dukes of Hazzard with my cousins, getting dirty, and refusing to take a bath.
I am from hating to hunt wild mushrooms with my dad and sister but loving to eat them. I am from doughnuts and chocolate milk on Saturday mornings while watching cartoons. I am from bunk beds and sharing a room with my sister and making her life miserable. I am from Christmas morning suprises, blueberry muffins on Sunday mornings after sleepovers on Saturday nights. I am from playing softball every summer. I am from countless sunburns from ball tournaments, swimming, and just being outside. I am from begging someone to play catch with me. I am from eating dinner at the table every night but having to clean up the mess afterwards and glad I had to. I am from grocery shopping with my step-mom every Friday night. I am from a Little Debbie cabinet in our kitchen that everyone knew about after school. I am from never feeling hungry and not being grateful. I am from always wanting more.
I am from dad’s blue eyes, and mom’s fair skin. I am from a kiss from my dad as soon as he got home from work and before he went to bed. I am from Don Gideon, my provider and stability. I am from Diana Cole, a loving mom with regrets. I am from Connie Gideon, a step-mom who tried to love me as her own even though I made it hard on her. I am from my older sister who I didn’t know I loved until she got married and left our home and now I couldn’t live without her. I am from my little sister who called me “sissy Donna” and saw me as her hero.
I am from countless aunts and uncles with a special memory of each one. I am from one town filled with best friends forever, friends that came and went and dreams of making my life better than it was and not knowing it was already good.
I am from the watching North and South over and over again.
I am from legwarmers and mini skirts and aqua net hairspray. I am from playing Uno, Sorry and Monopoly and not liking to lose.
I am from freedom my dad gave me because he trusted me and getting to spend countless nights with my friends. I am from not wanting to disappoint my dad. I am from not being told no but always wanting more.
I am from special weekends at my moms and wishing we had more time together.
I am from every vacation bible school in town, riding to church with friends until I could drive myself. I am from hearing “I had a good head on my shoulders and a bright future.” I am from parents who believed in me no matter what.
I am from an over-active mind. I am from analyzing my life, people and God. I am from questioning everything and always wanting more.

6 Commenting on your genius-ness:

Shawna said...

WOW! This makes me think, want to cry, and remember all at the same time. It makes me think of were I came from and wonder what my daughter will say about were she came from.....

Donna B. said...

I know what you mean. I appreciate so much of my growing up years now that I am a parent. It also helps put our children's feelings into perspective. Give your child some good I AM FROM stuff to write about someday. That is what I think about now! :)

Jan said...

Aaahhh sis! that was so sweet...brought back alot of memories....really makes you think about things. Thaks for sharing it.

kizzy72 said...

This is so YOU, Jean2. I really love the memories you chose to include. I Love that you were so honest about it all. And I agree with you all about this making us think about what OUR KIDS will write one day. Kind of forces me to realize they are little "real" people who will one day be all grown-up. It is so easy in the day-to-day bustle of trying to raise them to forget this very important fact.

Donna B. said...

Love it! I knew I would. And tough nut jeans....the name of those alone makes so much more sense as a grown up than as a child.

Stacey said...

That was GREAT...kind of made me a little teary! I think I'm inspired to try my own one of these days.